When a dog is spayed or neutered, he or she must be kept from chewing the incision site. Most vets recommend the use of an e-collar to ensure the animal does not do harm to the area or bring about an infection. However, these e-collars can be very irritating to the animal, and many pet owners wish for an alternative. Doggie Diapers & Dog Belly Bands can be of great help at this time, as they ensure the animal cannot reach the incision site just as an e-collar does. The Benefits of Choosing This Option Pet owners love dog nappies following an operation of this type, as they are very easy to use. The owner can find the right size for his or her pet and avoid the discomfort of the e-collar. The diapers can be used for a variety of other purposes as well. They are helpful when a dog has gone into heat and the owner is not ready to have the animal fixed and are great for older dogs who are unable to control their bladder or bowel movements. Puppies who are being housetrained also b...
dog belly bands
When choosing dog diapers and belly bands, pet owners need to make certain they are choosing high-quality products that won't harm their companion.